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Arcadis scales mentoring with Torch

June 8, 2018
Want more great resources on people development?

With a need for structured mentorship, Arcadis, a global design, engineering, and consulting company, launched a pilot mentoring program with Torch to support a select group of employees. Upon seeing success, they scaled to reach more people through Torch’s mentoring software.

Support employees in developing non-technical skills like leadership, conflict management, and strategic planning to support line managers, aspiring leaders, new hires, and more.

An internal mentoring program using Torch’s software that connects people across business lines to build soft skills and help grow careers internally.

Key Results

  • Scaled program 7x from pilot with mentoring software
  • 100% match satisfaction rate

What worked well

For the participant:

  • Mentor/Mentee matches
    • Partners were matched around mentees’ learning needs and mentors’ areas of expertise
  • Diverse learning formats
    • Participants all learn differently and liked having the options of videos, articles, activities, and the 360 feedback tool

For the program manager:

  • Ease of working with the tool
    • Easy to use platform that allows real-time changes and the ability to prompt individuals to stay on track
  • Customization
    • The flexibility to customize the content to meet their needs and culture.

“We saw a demo of the new software and as we considered how to grow the program and expand access to more people, it just seemed like the natural solution for us.”
—Traci Quick

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